The endless pursuit of efficiency
We are never short of expansions for ”e” in eLab. “e” stands for energy, efficiency, embedded, exploration… .
“e” stands for endless pursuit of efficiency. Whether it is an emerging mobile platform or an established computing system, all electronic devices rely on energy. Energy efficiency, i.e., providing same quality of user experience using less energy, has plentiful benefits. At the personal level, it means longer battery life and more freedom. At the organizational level, it means huge savings in operating costs. Finally, at the society level, energy efficiency has huge environmental and economical benefits.
eLab is dedicated to improve the quality of life at the personal and society level through endless pursuit of efficiency. While our primary research focuses on electrical energy efficiency, we welcome and appreciate all research ideas to improve energy efficiency.
Recent news on eLab:
Test of time award Focus on new faculty
Energy Harvesting IoT Devices Flexible Hybrid Electronics-1 Flexible Hybrid Electronics-2
Domain-specific SoC Design (part of DARPA ERI)