The overarching research goal of eLab is empowering people with disabilities and elderly to perform daily functions,
while improving the quality of life of healthy individuals through innovative use of technology. Our research projects are centered around this goal as follows. Please see our new page of our new OpenHealth project, which is an open-source hardware-software platform that aims to bring health-professionals and technology developers together.
Embedded Human Activity Recognition Design Contest
We are accepting registrations for the Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) Human Activity Recognition Design Contest hosted by Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Day. You can register by June 14th and make a submission by July 21st.
Flexible Hybrid Electronics (FHE) project aims to construct a complete methodology and tools for the design and optimization of Systems-on-Polymer (SoPs), which will enable arbitrary shaped wearable electronic systems. We coined the term SoP to refer to fully integrated FHE systems capable of sensing, computing, and communication.
The wearable systems designed in the FHE project will be gateways that enable their users to connect with the physical and cyber space around them. The goal of our Human-Machine Communication project is to convey user intents seamlessly to smart objects, such as prosthetic arms, wheelchairs, and in general, internet-of-things (IoT) devices.
The wearable systems we envision, as well as existing mobile computing systems, rely on limited battery power and have limited thermal budget. Our Energy-Efficient Computing and Communication project aims at developing modeling, optimization and run-time management techniques for heterogeneous systems. Our current focus is multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MpSoC) and state-of-the-art mobile platforms, such as Samsung Exynos, Intel Bay Trail and Qualcomm Snapdragon.
Research Funding: We thank the following agencies and companies for generously funding our research.
We also thank Intel, Altera University Programs and Texas Instruments for their equipment donations. |
The application domains we target, and cross-cutting theory and design technologies employed at eLab are summarized below.
Smart phone ICs | Server and data centers for cloud computing | Personal e-health ICs |
Low-power, heterogeneous embedded systems |
Many integrated core architectures for HPC | Flexible electronics |
Energy Efficient VLSI Design |
High Performance VLSI Design |
SoC/Circuit Solutions for Innovative Systems |
Digital System Design | Network Theory | VLSI Design | Control Theory | Algorithms |
Please contact for latest information.